5th Community Social Pediatrics Symposium

Professor Mitch Blair has been invited to speak at the 5th Community Social Pediatrics Symposium in Montreal Canada on the 25th and 26th May 2017. The theme of the symposium is Children’s vulnerabilities: understanding and addressing health inequalities.

Professor Blair will speak alongside Dr Gilles Julien, Professor Gerry McHale and Dr Melanie Berry at the plenary session discussing the Viewpoints and Actions on the Complexity of Vulnerable children. Interventions with vulnerable children can be very complex: for each situation, there are many problems, multiple diagnostics, and different life contexts. The development of transdisciplinary services that are tailored to the reality of at-risk children and families must be based on the knowledge and discoveries made in research. During this opening session, speakers will share their experiences regarding the importance of co-construction between research, field interventions, and children and their families so as to better understand the complexity of each case.



